Ronin has the heart of a dragon. Magical, mystical and all mighty. He’s a kind soul but has a fierce edge. He’s the leader of Tokyo Punks and a good one. He loves Shabu Shabu but keep him away from onions and cinnamon.
A flower child. A conspiracy theorist. She will express the wildest theories with the most powerful conviction. You have no choice but to believe. Don’t be fooled by the kawaii demeanor though. Sakura packs a mean punch.
Kikū is the most mysterious TKP. Some believe she's been on our planet for thousands of years. She can play with time and space at will. Legend has it that she was born during a volcanic eruption of the beloved Mt. Fuji.
She’s green and blue. She’s a powerful being with the power of shapeshifting. She can vibrate at a high frequency when she connects to her healing code. Allowing her to mimic everyones shape and powers. She loves cookies!
Fashion forward. She’s one of the fastest on the block. A sweet girl with powerful manifestation ability. She meditates and eats sushi at the same time. Her style is unmatched. She can pull of the most outrageous outfits.
A wild wild soul. Junko is stil figuring out their powers. They feel frustrated much of the time as there are sparks of their powers here and there, but nothing is showing up for them yet. It won’t be long ‘till Junko breaks the code.
The hairdo is just a cover for Kyo’s big brains. He knows how to cloak his abilities. Mind reading, future telling, quantum healing are just some of the abilities this rambunctious Punk has. You won’t believe the energy he has!
High vibrational and fun, Goro is the most playful Tokyo Punk. Practical jokes are life! Bringing joy to the team at the oddest of times. Don’t be surprised if he tricks you into doing strange things when you least expect it.
Ryu Aka Baby Dragon - the younger sister of Ronin. She’s a ball of fire and it shows. She can fly, yes, I said it… she can fly. Fire balls fly out of the palm of her hands at will. She’s quick to get fired up and will calm down just as quick.
Kenzo’s favorite emotion is LOL. He’s a bit mischievous but completely unassuming. Most think he’s the most cuddly punk, but it turns out he’s one of the most ferocious warriors the world has ever seen. Don’t let the kawaii smile fool you.
Tamiko feels everything at the deepest level. Hours of meditation and lots of match tea helps her keep calm and connected. Her tears will bring hail and her screams will create tornados.
Blah blah blah blah blah… she will talk you to submission. Rio is funny and warm and most of all super boring. She loves talking about lint and drywall, but her vibration makes you want to be around her all the time.
Ringo can carry a tune. His voice will activate any heart. The most baddest bad guy is no match to his angelic voice. He will sing and the bad guys will weep in joy. They’re never the same after hearing Ringo sing.